A set of Bash scripts to generate static snapshots of (dynamic) websites, refine and deploy them using Wget and other open source tools.
- A straightforward command line interface
- A setup script that guides users through the creation of a configuration file through a simple interactive dialogue; manual editing is not required
- Support for multiple sites, each with custom settings defined in their own configuration file (multiple config files can also be used for any given site).
- Suitable for batch processes, allowing operations to be scaled up so that any or all of the sites are updated in one process.
- Support for CMS logins, which paves the way for converting your existing site whilst maintaining the WordPress installation in situ.
- Runtime options, such as verbosity, to configure the level of output; and whether to archive each build
- Option of providing a downloadable copy of the entire site as a zip file which can be used offline, e.g., off a memory stick, making your site portable.
- Local and remote (server) deployment options, including rsync over ssh and Netlify.
- For WordPress installations, WP-CLI is used to prepare the site for mirroring plus a drop-in search replacement (WP Offline Search plugin) that works offline.
- Snippets – an experimental facility to tweak any page and provide offline variants using chunks of HTML.
- Support for custom attributes using post-processing – by creating a list of URLs unaccounted for and then re-running Wget on them
- W3C standards compliance. Whilst this really depends on the source, pages may be cleaned up by HTML Tidy. The system also generates a sitemap XML and robots.txt file to match the outputted files.