Simple, composable static site generator inspired by Boot task model and Metalsmith. Perun is a collection of Boot tasks/plugins that you can chain together and build something custom that suits your needs.
Plugins system
Everything in Perun is build like independent task. The simplest blog engine will look like:
(deftask build
"Build blog."
(comp (markdown)
(render :renderer renderer)))
But if you want to make permalinks, generate sitemap and rss feed, hide unfinished posts, add time to read to each post then you will do:
(deftask build
"Build blog."
(comp (markdown)
(render :renderer renderer)
(sitemap :filename "sitemap.xml")
(rss :title "Hashobject" :description "Hashobject blog" :link "")
(atom-feed :title "Hashobject" :subtitle "Hashobject blog" :link "")
3d-party plugins
There are plenty of Boot plugins that can be useful in the when you are using perun:
- boot-http - serve generated site locally using web server
- boot-gzip - gzip files
- boot-s3 - sync generated site to the Amazon S3
- boot-less - task to compile Less to CSS
- boot-sassc - task to compile Sass to CSS
- boot-garden - task to compile Garden stylesheets to CSS
- boot-autoprefixer - add vendor prefixes to your CSS
- boot-reload - live-reload of browser css, images, etc.